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This Motor Racing Memorabilia website offers items of motor racing and rallying memorabilia, books and magazines collected over seventy years from the archives of noted motoring historian, Graham Gauld.
Graham Gauld was born in Edinburgh and reported on his first motorsport event in 1951 He then spent twelve years with the weekly Scottish motoring magazine Motor World firstly as sports editor from 1955- 1960 and then Editor from 1960 – 1967
He has published twenty books on motor racing history and driver biographies and is best known as the biographer of racing driver Jim Clark.
He is a Membre d’Honneur of the Grand Prix Drivers Club, AISA, the Italian motoring historians association, and an associate member of the British Racing Drivers Club.
All the items are for sale through PayPal and the prices include delivery, usually by courier, in two price levels.
The lower price is for items being dispatched from the United Kingdom to Europe and the UK.
The higher price is for items sent to locations outside the European Union and the UK ( e.g. the USA, Australia etc.)
All prices are listed in UK pounds sterling and can be paid for in any currency through Pay Pal.
Note that this site will have additions made to it from time to time, and further information can be obtained from Graham Gauld using the help section on the site.